BSc (Ost Med) PhD
Osteopathic Medicine at the British School of Osteopathy, London.
Headaches, Neck and Back pain, Shoulders, Elbows, Sciatica and many others are treated on a regular basis.
Drawing on both my health care training and science background (formally a PhD chemist), I enjoy helping people with complex problems.
For tackling and treating complex issues, I have also studied Acupuncture, NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) that uses Applied Kinesiology and Auricular Therapy (laser ear acupuncture). The latter, for example, has helped to improve quality of life for some people with Parkinsons Disease.
To consider ‘difficult-to-treat-with-slow-results’ conditions such as Golfers Elbow, RSI, damaged tendons etc, I use ultrasound and also Cold Laser Therapy (also known as Low Level Laser Therapy or PhotoBioModulation).
Using a wide mix of modalities & approaches may lead to faster and more satisfactory results.
For more information, please have a look at my website osteochrisporter.com. Back to Team